How to Pay Your Bill

You can pay your tuition and fees through the new Student Account Center Portal available on myNest.

Students should log in to myNest and from the Student Profile

  • Click Payment & Billing
  • Click Proceed to Processor

Parents will need their student to grant them access prior to viewing their student’s account. Service fees apply for credit and debit card payments. Electronic check payments have no fee.

International students should submit payment here or send checks, made payable to Susquehanna University, to Susquehanna University, Attn: SFS Office, 514 University Avenue, Selinsgrove, PA 17870-0116.

Student accounts include tuition, fees, room and board, and other related charges, such as parking registrations, parking tickets, health center charges, music fees, library fees, shuttle fees and Global Opportunity fees.

Tuition & Fees

Find out the tuition and fees for Susquehanna University, a national liberal arts college in Selinsgrove, Pa.

Financial Aid

Susquehanna University offers a comprehensive merit scholarship and need-based financial aid program to help families afford college.

Student & Campus Services

Whatever you need, we’re here to help—from medical care to international student services to transportation home for breaks.


This optional coverage provides a 100% refund for tuition and some fees if a student is unable to complete a semester due to medical reasons.

Contact Us

Student Financial Services

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

Get Directions


Student Financial Services Office

Campus Map

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